Bud and Pavan,
When I make the Hill quivers, I cement an additional insert layer of leather on top (for the inside) of the bottom of the quiver so it's 2 layers. I also make the bottom a bit too big, and make it flex inward all the way around the quiver bottom as i lace so that it minimizes the broadhead contact with lacing. It makes the bottom about 1/4 inch above the true bottom of the quiver. In fact, I just add a very thin layer of leather or foam on top of that and have never had a broadhead cut a lace, or punch through. It doesn't look quite as clean because I am flexing the leather a bit, but it hides the lacing from sharp heads.
I have a very nice quiver from Steven Catts, and I copied this from his design. (I'd love to take credit