Don't be counting on me counting up all the posts here for Fri or Sat am mouths to feed, please... PLEASE email me. Just click on my li'l rolodex card up top this post and you'll find my link for email.
You want to fetch up salad, or french bread, or vino, you bring it on. I'm just gonna bring some sauce I can eat (allergic to anything with onion in or around it) and few pounds of sghets noodles. Just gotta get a handle on how many for Fri. and then Sat breakfast!
Then I gotta get a handle on Breakfast. I'll get a slug of scrapple, few doz eggs and some bread for toast.
Anyone wants to add on to that, feel free.
Whatever it costs, we'll just count the grinning faces and divide. No money needed in advance.
Course, Ole Ranger got the big bucks for the cheateau on his CC so he'd appreiciate advance payment!
I know you'll pay me when you smell them victuals cookin!
If'n anyone comes to hunt Fri and kilts something...we can fricasse it up with the sghets.