I thought I would pass along the news I had from the Texas Sweat group.
My brother Andrew Kinslow is down there with Curtis and the boys. Most of you probably don't know him because he doesn't post much but he lurks around a lot.
He called me tonight as he was waiting at the end of the sendero for the pickup after it got dark. I anxiously asked him if he had shot a pig, thinking that was why he was calling. However he just wanted to tell me what a great time he was having!
I don't think anyone shot a pig this morning. However his cell phone reception wasn't the greatest, and so I couldn't tell if he was talking about Jumper and Terry's pig or someone else.
My brother said he got a couple of bunnies and had seen hog sign everywhere. A flock of Rio Grande's had walked past his step up early in the afternoon. He said he had seen more deer in one day that he did all last fall during deer season here in Missouri.
The wind has been pretty gusty down there today and he surmised that might have affected the hunting.
Apparently Timo shared with the rest of the gang some pointers on flint knapping during lunch. I could tell from my brother’s voice that he was having a blast.
He had yet to talked to any of the other guys about their evening hunt so it's still likely that someone else had a shot opportunity.
I left strict instructions for my brother to call me back, so I'll pass on anymore news if I hear it.
Chris Kinslow