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Author Topic: Texas Sweat Update  (Read 15460 times)

Offline WaKeDa BT

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #100 on: March 15, 2005, 05:12:00 PM »
Are those knee pads?
"Shoot'em when they ain't lookin"

Offline Dave Bulla

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #101 on: March 15, 2005, 05:20:00 PM »
You're darned toot'n they're knee pads!

Best 4 bucks I've ever spent for a hunting trip.  Crawling in that brush with all the thorns on the ground would have been a bugger without them.  My only gripe is that they make noise when you try to go through the brush standing up.

Well, that's all I'll have time to post until next Friday evening.  Gotta fly to Atlanta for work tomorrow.  (I just happened to take another day off today or I'd have had to flown down last night.)

I've come to believe that the keys to shooting well for me are good form, trusting the bow to do all the work, and having the confidence in the bow and myself to remain motionless and relaxed at release until the arrow hits the mark.

Offline WaKeDa BT

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2005, 05:25:00 PM »
Have a safe trip and thanks for sharing your pics with the rest of us.
"Shoot'em when they ain't lookin"

Offline Jim Jackson

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #103 on: March 15, 2005, 05:25:00 PM »
Ok, so here we go…

After lunch on Saturday Timo picked up on a second round of flintnapping.  I have found points like most of us in the past, but I never really had an appreciation of the art until I saw it unfold.  Napping truly is an artform and he makes it look so easy.  Timo furnished each of us with a point at the end of the trip, and it was a fitting souvenir for a great trip.

Charlie and I headed out in the afternoon to work on some more scouting, and plan strategy.  I stalked around in the area some, but I really felt like the area I had found that morning would produce, so I decided to park myself back in the brush blind for the afternoon.  I spent the hours before sunset watching the Green Jays, Pyroloxia, and quail feed.  Besides the bird life, nothing appeared.  

The day began to move into that magic witching hour and my gut feeling remained true.  The sun gradually set and the shadows moved in.  Just about the time that I began to feel it was getting too late for anything to happen, shapes appeared out on the edge of the clearing ~ 70yds south of my blind.  Javis!  They moved gradually toward me, feeding and meandering about.  Everything happened fast.  One moment the group was way out of range to the south, and the next several large javis moved in from the sides ~ 18 yards out from my position.  The light was poor, but I felt confident in the shot.  I picked a spot on a big one, she angled slightly quartering away, and I let fly.  

I didn’t see the arrow hit, but I heard a wicked crunch followed by some serious squealing.  The javi pulled some figure skating moves, turning circles and doing a figure eight before diving for the brush to the east.  The commotion continued for another 5 to 10 seconds before ending abruptly with a serious of huge crashes and squeals.  Then nothing but the sound of my heart pounding in my ears.  I have been lucky in my harvests in the past.  I always get excited when I immediately see the animal, but when it comes to nut cutting time I seem to smooth out.  The shakes always hit me after the shot when I know everything is out of my hands.  I sat down for a bit, got my knees back underneath me and went out into the clearing to look for my arrow.

About 20 yards out I found my arrow buried in the dirt.  Blood from the razorcap to the nock.  My Sunbear recurve is named Sage, and Sage had drawn blood again!  Complete pass through, bright arterial blood.  My experiences from earlier in the morning had shown me how poor a blood trail can be in this thick brush.  I followed tracks into the brush to the east, and began looking for a trail.  By this time it is pretty much dark and my headlamp was proving inadequate for the job.  I hit a GPS waypoint, and walked out to find Charlie.  Charlie knew something was up when we met back up, and we proceeded back to the area to look.  We went in about 20 yards, with no sign of blood.  I was pretty heartsick, and really worried I wasn’t going to be able to recover this pig.  Charlie suggested heading back to camp, fueling up with another in incredible supper (hats off to Marcus).  Everyone congratulated me on the hunt, and the others had had good success also.  Dave got a hog and a Javi, Jeff punched a Javi, Curtis had his Hog.  I got in on a bit of the skinning after dinner, though that wasn’t much more than holding onto something or shining the light.  Eric is pretty slick with a skinning knife.  I think we were all pretty tired, and the prospect of digging around in the brush for an hour or more this late didn’t appeal much to any of us.  These guys are great, and despite the late hour and lack of energy, six guys loaded up to jump on the blood trail.  I had a rock in the bottom of my stomach, but I felt some relief that perhaps with this quality crew, we could turn up my Javi and put the period at the end of the sentence for my first pig hunt.  

The third and final installment of this story will be up in a bit.  I want to get this one done right…

Andrew "stoney" Kinslow
Blaze out your own trail.

Offline Killdeer

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »
Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


TGMM Family Of The Bow

Offline herb haines

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #105 on: March 15, 2005, 08:26:00 PM »
i am just getting a chance to slow down . arrived home at 3:05 am and got to bed 1/2 hr. later but was up at 7:30am . almost ready for bed now    :D   .  

Texas ia still killing me allergies are real bad but wouldn't miss this for anything . drove through storms both ways to get there .

Curtis and Charlie i thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invite and all the encouragement .

Debbie thank you for having me into your home and treating  me so well .

fellow members of Texas Sweat 2005 i thank you for the fine company and acepting me into this fine group of people .

it amazes me that we who have met others while sitting in our homes at a computer so many people that can come together for a few days with know harsh words and always looking to help each other out .

i do have a confession . i shot 4 "bounnies" but must have stole some ones as i got home with 10 . don't supose the just keeep reproducing .hope know one was looking for theirs cause i am not shipping them back .   :D  

had my chance on a momma Javie and her young one but she busted me 3 differnt times in 2 days .saw deer quail and turkeys .laughed until i got sick . met some amazing people and made a lot of new friends that i will cherish .can't wait until next year --- herb
"Heaven is just over the next ridge......"

Hello Darlin'

Offline JC

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2005, 09:11:00 PM »
If I come up 6 bounnies short I'm gonna....well I'm liable ta....awww heck, I'll just haveta go back and get some more!
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
TGMM Brotherhood of the Bow

Offline herb haines

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2005, 09:27:00 PM »
do animals know you arn't hunting them ?
i had a small stip of a road 50 ft from camp (one of the prettiest parts of the ranch ) and friday night about 6pm i am going bunnie hunting as i look down the road about 100 yds out is Momma Javie and her young one so i go from "nutter mode " to "Tusker" mode in the blink of an eye .i start easing down the road keeping out of sight as much as i can and i start tripping over bunnies , so i start counting i have 15 in bow range (5ft  to 15 yds.) by the time i get with in 25 yds of Momma and see hears a vechicle a couple of hundred yards away and slipps in to the cactus . i wait until dark and walk back to camp with a grin on my face another great hunt .2 bunnies were at 5 ft amazing --- herb
"Heaven is just over the next ridge......"

Hello Darlin'

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #108 on: March 16, 2005, 06:56:00 AM »
You musta been in total stealth mode Herbinator! Too bad mama javi wouldn't offer up her ghost. I sure was looking forward to hearing that story over and over. Next year big buddy. You'll make it happen, Im quite sure! CK

Offline Jumper

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #109 on: March 16, 2005, 07:13:00 AM »
  After watching you shoot, if anything ever does get in range, I know it's a gonner for sure   :notworthy:
"With God, all things are possible"

Offline trashwood

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #110 on: March 16, 2005, 08:48:00 AM »
Over dinner one evning Jumper and I had a philosophical discussion I enjoyed.  Together we solved all the worlds problems.....dangit we forget to write them down.  Oh well it's the worlds loss  :) .

The lenght and bredth of 14 trad bow hunters is a thing of awe.  I wish I had had the time to sit down with each one of 'em for a couple of hours.  On the surface they have so much in common but scratch the surface and there is a great depth.

ya go over to pick up your ice chest and there is two guys walking over to pick up the other end.  ya have an animal down and the whole bunk house unloads to help with never a word spoken.  don't know where ya gonna hunt tonight and 3 guys tell ya to come with them.  ya need a cotton tell arrow and 4 guys give ya 3 arrows a piece with a smile.  need a light and 2 guys hand ya their extra one.

Need thorns pulled out of your butt and YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN  :)

dang ya just can't have everything

if ya get a chance to hunt with a bunch for trag gang it!


Offline Jim Jackson

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #111 on: March 16, 2005, 09:12:00 AM »
And thus we come to the conclusion…

Terry, JC, Curtis, Charlie, Eric, and myself arrived at the site to begin the bloodtrail.  I gave them the details, pointed out references, and we fanned out to look for blood.  Nothing…  Curtis suggested that I move back to the blind and give them directions based on where I heard the death throes of the javelina.  Everyone figured it had to be close, but it was some thick stuff, and zero blood.  This went on for about ten minutes.  Nothing, and I figured things were pretty much finished.  9:30 at night, zero light, zero pig.  Sucks…

Then one of the guys sings out, “Found it!”  Suddenly I am 8 years old on Christmas morning all over again.  Amazing how a hunt can bring out a huge swing in emotions.  Screw the cactus, I hotfoot over through the brush to have a look at my javelina.  The gang gathered around and I am heartily congratulated by everyone.  She ran about 40 yards from where the hit occurred and made her final stand in a small open area between cacti.  Suddenly Curtis got really quiet and in a hushed tone said,” Guys look by the head.”

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Look at the light colored stone above her head      

Close-up view

I just sat back down on my haunches.  Total Silence for about 10 seconds... We all had goosebumps. Each of us knew that we were experiencing something unique that would never likely happen again.  Sometime in the past, others carrying weapons not much different than those we carried that evening, had hunted this very place.  Who knows what events transpired to leave that stone point for us to find…but make no mistake, nobody there that evening believes that it was by accident.  We were all meant to experience that moment and share it with our brothers.

We as traditional archers choose to do things the hard way:  To go back to our past and forge a bond with our hunting ancestry.   We do this symbolically every time we pick up our bows, and put our own spirit and energy into practice, the craft of bow and arrow, the hunt, et al.  For some reason, unbeknown to me I was put in that place, at that time, and as Curtis put it best:  We were all standing in two places at once, on a bridge between the present and the distant past.  Only the Maker that brings everything together in such a way knows how long that stone point had been laying there.  I still am totally in shock that I would be the one blessed enough to have been given this gift.  This link to our past.  I am so pleased to have done so with honor.  A clean quartering away shot from less than 20 yards.  All that time practicing, and my arrow was guided cleanly to the kill.  To experience it alone would have been one thing.  To experience it with kindred spirits was beyond words.  I hope that I have done the experience justice in this retelling.  

I believe that we are given insights into the meaning of life all the time.  Our Creator speaks to each of us in different ways, and the best we can do in this world is remain open to looking for those moments.  What a moment this was!

Curtis, Charlie, Terry, JC, Eric:  Thanks for being there to share it with me.

Herb, Timo, Jeff, Rusty, Doug, Scott, Dave & Dave:  Thanks for sharing the retelling that evening and now.  What a great bunch of men to share a hunt with.

Christopher:  You were there with me the whole time.  Thanks for everything bro.

Terry, thanks for the pics.

By the way, The shots above show the exit wound from the quartering away shot.  It was a clean kill, took her behind the shoulder on the left side, exiting in from on the right.  Just wanted to clarify.  

Thanks to all for your patience.
Blaze out your own trail.

Offline Meathook

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #112 on: March 16, 2005, 09:18:00 AM »
"Go ahead and run ya gotta sleep sometime." - Meathook's Mom

Offline Van/TX

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #113 on: March 16, 2005, 09:27:00 AM »
Speechless  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:  ....Van
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Offline WaKeDa BT

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #114 on: March 16, 2005, 09:37:00 AM »
That is just awesome.
"Shoot'em when they ain't lookin"

Offline Doug Campbell

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #115 on: March 16, 2005, 09:42:00 AM »
Yep Meaty I wasn't at the kill site but when that boy walked into the bunkhouse and told his story it was plumb spiritual. Congrats again Andrew  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
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Offline Shaun

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #116 on: March 16, 2005, 10:18:00 AM »
Thanks so much for sharing such a spiritual moment from your hunt. Well told.

Offline herb haines

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #117 on: March 16, 2005, 10:24:00 AM »
try and be carefull when i pack my bags and make sure no weapons or contrababnd in my carry on .when i got home started to to look for the stone points from TimO and almost freaked when i got my checked bags unloaded and no points !!!! went through my carry on and bingo !! looks like if your scared to fly with out a weapons it looks like securty doesn't know that stone points kill .
not recomending anyone do this but this one time i am glad they missed something -- herb
"Heaven is just over the next ridge......"

Hello Darlin'

Offline Guru

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #118 on: March 16, 2005, 10:27:00 AM »
Guys,I have been reading all this,and enjoying it very much.
Now this..Andrew...I really don't know what to say except that I had a very similard experience last spring with my Dad.I found this about 5yds from my dead  bowkilled gobbler.He had run right over it.


It was one of those experiences that are hard to put into words.The best part was that it was shared with my dad on his first turkey hunt.The stonehead,the experience,and the memories of that hunt are something I will treasure forever.

That's awesome bro!! Great shot too!!
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline AZStickman

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Re: Texas Sweat Update
« Reply #119 on: March 16, 2005, 11:00:00 AM »
That story was worth the wait......WOW... Terry
"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.".. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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