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Author Topic: Footprints in the sand  (Read 12539 times)

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #60 on: June 29, 2005, 01:43:00 PM »
A little closer look.    

Offline trashwood

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2005, 01:45:00 PM »
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea

i don't like snakeys


Offline trashwood

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #62 on: June 29, 2005, 01:46:00 PM »
and dat is a reallllly goooooodddd reson why  :)


Offline Madpigslayer

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #63 on: June 29, 2005, 02:28:00 PM »
so the snake was almost five feet long then, hey CK?   "[tunglaff]"  

I see that Marvin "Danger" M is having a good time eh?!!!

wish me and Hailey could come down and join ya's!!!!

great story so far!!
...gosh this is hard.

Hailey (5) 3 minutes into a pilates workout


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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #64 on: June 29, 2005, 02:36:00 PM »
Rusty, notice where CK is crawling.  Prime, I tell ya.  Prime for the little crawlies.  Like CK.   :bigsmyl:  

But, if you stay in your living room, you'll never see the roses in bloom.

Offline Shaun

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2005, 02:53:00 PM »
That is either a really small Curtis or ...

Offline Dirteater

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2005, 03:17:00 PM »
Great pics Marvin!

Man, Curtis, it takes quite a hard-core hunter or a lunatic to go crawling through stuff like that in so. June...In either case, I'm impressed!  :thumbsup:

Offline the Ferret

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #67 on: June 29, 2005, 03:37:00 PM »
Sounds like the number cruncher is having a blast... LOL

I was a little worried about him being that far out of his element and all, but it sounds like he's doing just fine   :thumbsup:
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Offline Marvin M.

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2005, 04:04:00 PM »
I had a ball!!!!  Just wait till we get to the Saturday afternoon hunt.  I was glad I had the snake boots!!!

Come on Curtis, your turn!!!  I have to post from work so it better be fast or the boys and girls will have to wait for tomorrow.

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #69 on: June 29, 2005, 04:38:00 PM »
Oh yea, Marvin did real well for a first timer. He certainly learns quick.

Well, with the morning hunt successful but without a kill, we head out for other opportunities. First we'd head for camp and get a much needed bite to eat. On the way, Marvin gets a good, up close and personal look at an official Illegal Alien.

There in the road ahead was a dirty looking fella that fit the profile of Alien quite well but there seemed to be something wrong with the picture. I couldn't seem to put my finger on it till the Alien flagged me down. (side note) Being flagged down by a fugitive from the law generally isn't a good thing.

Being fairly well versed in Spanish, I stopped and asked the guy "Que Queres"(what do you want)? The man with a mouth full of gold teeth replies that he's hungry. I flash a rather large knife that Doug Campbell had made me and replied that I only have "Agua Frio" (Cold water). At this point, the truck was stopped and I was committed. I ease from the truck and fetch the guy a bottle of water. I notice as I watch my back that this guy also has a gold chain around his neck. He could only be one thing, A Drug Runner, better known in these parts as a Mule. He gave me a healthy bearth as I slipped him the water and bid him good luck in his journey. Little did Marvin know that this would only be one of the many encounters on this trip.

With things settled and us well back on our way, we discussed evening hunt plans. I just had to convince Marvin to take my spot at the pond while I eased up a couple of hundred yards to an intersection where four roads came together at one common gate. I know I can kill a hog here and I also know the Marvin is about to see more game that he has ever witnessed on any hunt. I am totally PUMPED about the hunt ahead.

I found the reminance of an aging ladder stand at the gate and decide to use it as a secondary position if my new brush blind doesn't agree with the wind direction. The wind never stays the same direction in the thick brush for more than a few minutes. Ask Marvin!

We took stand several hours earlier for this hunt. We both felt the hunt starting to wind toward the enivetable end and wished to make the moost of our time here. We take stand at 4:00pm, a five hour sit till dark.

I decided to take a little siesta in my ground blind till things start to cool. It was a nice, shady spot under a Mesquite tree and the sand was soft. My backpack cradled my head nicely and I immediately drifted off. I was rudely awakened a few moments later by a curious cow that decided to rub her horns on my new blind. She was quite surprised to find the keeper of the brush pile at home! She backed away slightly and I made a move to my elevated ladder stand. A deer appears and the cow and deer play a game of "who's going first".


As the evening wears on I find myself seeing more and more deer.


And I even see a few more coyotes but none so gracious as this one who held real still for the camera. Notice the deer in the background. The deer and the coyotes seemed to tolerate each other quite well down here.


I waited and I waited but I never heard Marvins signal that he had shot something and I never saw the hogs I had waited desperately for. As darkness closed in around me, I see a dim light through the trees. Marvin is in route to my location. Surely he has made meat and just not signaled. CK

Offline Marvin M.

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #70 on: June 29, 2005, 05:17:00 PM »
As Curtis said, we discussed where to hunt for the evening over lunch.  Curtis was really pumped about the pond and wanted me to sit there for the evening.  I wasn't hard to convince.

We had gone in and made two alternative blinds to use, depending on the wind.  I settled into the first one and waited for the fun to begin.

The wind didn't cooperate.  From my ground blind on the end of the pond, the wind was blowing almost straight up the pond.  It's gusting and shifting around and there is no way to tell what it is going to do.  At one point I heard pigs off to my left, but they never apeared,  I guess they got a whiff of the human waiting for them.  The wind gets stronger and I hear what sounds like thunder in the distance.  I can't see beyond the brush, so don't know for sure, but it might rain.  The wind is still blowing predominantly across the pond, so I move to the other blind.  When I get there, the wind is blowing back toward the other blind and across the area I am expecting game.  This is no better.  At about 6:00 I go back to the original blind and just decide to hope for the best.  This should give me a small window of opportunity if they come out where I expect them.  Finally the wind calms a little and it is now comeing blowing toward the 10:00 position.  The pond is at 12:00 so hopefully they will come in at 4:00 and come to my end of the pond, offering me a chance.

Here is my view from my blind.  The stick at the edge of the water was 17 yards from my blind.


This guy was a frequent visitor.  Curtis called him "Companiaro" or something like that.  I don't know what that means, but it sounds like companion and I was glad to see him and felt like we were old friends.  He didn't seem to mind me being there, and even came closer to investigate me.


About 6:30 I see movement at the other end of the pond.  Something comes out and goes into some more brush.  I put my binoculars on it and wait.  Whe it comes out, its a big old Bobcat.  He meanders around the other end of the pond and appears to want to hunt frogs like Curtis and I did, then gave up and went to the waters edge.  He is about 80 + yards away and unaware of my presence.  This old boy lays down at the edge of the water and drinks, then just looks around.  He stay for about 20 minutes just enjoying the shade and being beside the water.  All the pictures I took of him didn't turn out very good, because he was so far away.

Got to go home now.  I'll continue in the morning.  Sorry guys I didn't want to break this one up, but I am already late.

More to come.

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #71 on: June 29, 2005, 05:55:00 PM »
Awahh damn Marvin, You cant just cut it short and leave us hanging like that! GET ON WITH THE DANG STORY!!!!  :bigsmyl:  

I gotta go eradicate bees now too. The night job calleth. See yallin the morning. Hope you enjoy all the pics. CK

Offline AZStickman

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #72 on: June 29, 2005, 06:03:00 PM »
Both of ya bailing out??.... That's just not right....   :readit:   Terry
"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.".. Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #73 on: June 29, 2005, 06:58:00 PM »
This has been a good hunt so far.  Glad you're taking me with you.

Offline herb haines

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #74 on: June 29, 2005, 07:50:00 PM »
Curtis is just "ittle and that snake is mansized .
ck you could make a pair of pants from the hide .

Marvin them ain't rabbits them be Bunnies and they can be the most fun you can have in the right company   :D  --herb --sitting here lonesome and wishing
"Heaven is just over the next ridge......"

Hello Darlin'

Offline JC

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2005, 08:23:00 PM »
Don't be lonesome bruther Herb...I'm right there with ya in spirit! I'll never ferget that last mornin with ya'll as long as I live.

An he's right, in the right company, them Bonnies are some of the finest game in the world to chase.  :readit:
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
TGMM Brotherhood of the Bow

Offline Marvin M.

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #76 on: June 30, 2005, 08:56:00 AM »
Sorry about that guys.  Promised my wife I wouldn't be late last night.

Now where was I?  Oh yeah...........

The cat has now quenched his thirst and had a small break from the heat of the desert.  He exits to my LEFT and things get peaceful.  

About fifteen minutes later as I am watching the local dove population coming in for their beverage and wondering how dove season works in Texas, I detect stealthy noises to my LEFT, and very close.  The cat is still on my mind and he went that way!  :scared:  

I eased my right hand onto the string, while slowly turning my head to the left to see what is going on.  At first it didn't register what I was seeing.  My first thought was "what is a fire hose doing out here in the desert?"  Second was "There wasn't a fire hose here when I sat down!!!!"  I jumped up and turned to get a better look and was very happy to be standing in my snake boots.  I've seen big snakes in zoos, but this is the largest snake I have ever seen in the wild.  His head is as big as my fist and is mere inches away from the stool I have been sitting on!!!  :scared:  He is so close to me that I am afraid to shoot with my bow because I might hit my own foot!!!  I grab my arrow to stab him with it instead of shooting him and he decides that he has an urgent appointment somewhere else.  Now I grew up around Black Racers and have had them chase me, but this guy is faster.  I have no doubts he could outrun one of the Road Runners that had been drinking at the pond.  He is gone in a flash!!

I described him to Curtis later that night and CK said he was an Indigo and they are endangered.  I've got to say that, that particular snake was endangered, 'cause I was gonna take him out!!!!  I have always had a problem with things being behind me.  Some people are clos.......clostra............scared of close places -- I'm paranoid about something being behind me.  Even in the military, I always hated when the inspector would turn at the end of the rank and come down behind you to check you out from the rear.  I hated it.  This old boy had come upon me from behind -- stealthily!!!  I was not happy.

After he left and I got my heart rate back to something close to normal, I sat back down, turned my chare a little in that direction to give me a better chance of catching him if he came back and waited for developments.

Next installment -- Standoff at the waterhole, with pics.  Give me an hour.  Got work to do.

Offline Shaun

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #77 on: June 30, 2005, 09:03:00 AM »
Those Indigos are on our side, imported to eat rattlesnakes and protected in TX. Still, don't think I'd like one puttin the sneak on me! They get real big and seem extra long for their size, gotta have room to swallow a long rattlesnake.

Protect that water hole Marvin

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #78 on: June 30, 2005, 09:27:00 AM »
Im at home today. Damn waterwell is down. Once Marvin completes his waterside story, I'll wrap this hunt up. Be back in a bit! Here's something to brighten your morning.




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Re: Footprints in the sand
« Reply #79 on: June 30, 2005, 09:39:00 AM »
Now, Marvin, when I move like that it generally tends to clear the area of wildlife. Surely, it did the same for you??   "[dntthnk]"    But, a ssssnake'll sho nuff do it to ya.

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