Now where was I? Oh! I remember.
Anyway I'm talking to the ranch owner and the subject of grizzly bears comes up. Pretty soon this guy is telling me about the agressive actions of a griz that lives in one of my all time favorite canyons.
Got my attention right away!!
I've been hunting that spot for about the last 30 years and never had to worry or even put any thought into the presense of grizzlies.
I thought for a while about just finding new territory, but damned if I'm gonna let some silly old bear run me out of my sacred place.
We'll see how the hunt plan goes from here out. I may not be making any before daylight trips up into the canyon. Good visibility in daylight sounds like the ticket to me.
So to conclude this tale about the last couple of days let me say that we have more plans for the local varmint population and hopefully with a more cunning approach. :p
Since I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight we pretty much took it easy all afternoon.
Except for a small run in with a skunk out in the sage brush.
Lets just say they are a lot faster than they look.