Yes, its been too warm here and the deer have been moving late in the afternoon. Around sunset at 4:45 or so, I got serious. Stood up, nocked an arrow and set my feet for the fence crossing shot. 20 minutes later I hear steps behind me and pivot around as this buck strides into my back door shooting lane. No time to get buck fever... one glance and I make him for mature but weird. Take the deer given to me is my mantra, so pick a spot, draw the bow, anchor tight and let it go. Special thanks to whoever posted this refrain last winter - it has served me well.
The cedar flies and a Grizely hits spine between the shoulders. Down he goes. Knowing that spine shots are not quickly fatal, I followed up with another to the heart.
Could not have done it with wheelie gear. Too quick and intuitive for anything but a real bow.
Insides are outside and bark is off, he's cooling in the shed.