Curtis, from the bottom of my heart, giving in to the jealous, bitter souls only encourages their pathetic behavior. I know your sand, and I say you might want to reevaluate your position: you are allowing a few of sad individuals to control you the way they want to....when there's thousands on here that look forward to you sharing your hunts.
You are truly one of the heros of our trad bowhunting community, maybe I don't tell you that enough...but I always look forward to your stories, your pics, and most of all your company while in the field. I know personally that your ethics are without question, that your spirit is one of giving and sharing to others, that you share an appreciation of all that God has given you, that you are truly blessed with skills that few others will ever hope to attain....I'm proud to call you my friend. Do what you must, but do so out of your own choice, not coersion from "fleas".....