I worked horses for ten years, and buddy, there are some things that foam what ain't got a LICK of alcohol in them!
As far as the recliner goes, see if the community pool has any blown-out aluminum and webbing chaise lounges that they are tossing. The holes prolly aren't big enough to let Charlie's butt leak out too far, and it will be lightweight. That way you can use it for a bed, a fireside recliner AND still bungee it into the pickup bed without having to lift a lot of weight. That is, if you can talk Charlie out of it first.
Tarps are good! If one leaks, you can put another one over it and the leaky spots probably won't match up. The Forest Service went to using enzymes in their pit toilets instead of lime. Lime preserves things, ya know. I hear that saliva is full of enzymes, so you can probably just spit in the loo periodically to keep things nice enough for your honored guest.
Glad to see the Coors Light. It is my official November brew in camp, endorsed by most of the Chagrined Again Hunting Club.
Founder and Whipper-In
Chagrined Again Hunting Club