Tom (Swampbuck), ya done good! More than that, you did yourself, my dear friend girl - Barb, me, and everyone that was/is touched by what you did, PROUD, very proud. Many folks are and will be touched to varying degrees by it - but I expect none will be Touched any deeper than I. (It's taken me awhile to "adjust my eyeballs" so's I could post my thanks to you, Guru, Shawn, and all those dear friends who have made comments about this part of a great hunt that Barb and I were proud to be "taken along on". I also know, not only because you told me in a message, but because I have come to know your ways in the last four years or so, that you truly hope to carry and hold my arrow for quite some time to come. Bless your heart, Tom.
(Full Draw pic, arrows pic, and comments have been posted on my TBD Pages - Page9, Row Six)