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Author Topic: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)  (Read 11802 times)

Offline Joseph

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2005, 10:34:00 AM »
Day 4 continued - after leaving the blind in the morning whe headed about 30 minutes up the road to a different property that had Nyala on it.  Got settled in the blind at 1530 and didn't see a thing until 1630 when not one but 2 Nyala bulls walk in to the waterhole from oppisite directions!  Both were nice but the one that walked in from my right was huge.  I didn.t even have to ask which one to shoot because it was blatantly obviuos even 2 me.  Hien had told me on the way in that Nyala were incredibly fast string jumpers even more so than Impala.  He wasn't kidding!!  It took almost 20 minutes to get the shot I was looking for which didn't do anything for my nerves.  He was broadside at 13 yards when I shot and all I saw was a wave of hair moving like a cheerleaders pom pom.  We played back the video a frame at a time and I got to watch what was a not bad shot but not perfect either turn into a hit high in the neck just in front of the shoulders.      "[dead]"      Now I feel like I am going to puke!  He ran about 40 yards and stopped and actually started coming back in but then turned around halfway back and walked into the thorn brush.  My little lapse in concentration just cost me $2250.00.  It wasn't just the money because it is only money, I don't like screwing up.  The upside is that it was obviously not fatal and he would recover.  As I was sitting there feeling like crying which was because of the money a little ray of hope shines down on me!  Hien didn't think he was spooked to bad and inspite of getting bit he thought I would get another chance at him if I put in the time.  This is where the SAA strike worked in my favor because I was the only hunter in camp at this time so no one else would be coming here.  Fast forward to day 7.  Back at the same blind hoping for a second chance encounter with mister Nyala.  Sat from 1500 till dark with no Joy.       :(      
Fast forward again to day 11.  Went to the Nyala blind at 0730 prepared to make a day of it.  I had been watching a parade of them when at 1400 I saw another one and the heart started racing again.  After 10 minutes of carefull study with the 10x binoculars at less than 15 yards I satisfied my self that this was the right one because I could see the almost healed entrance and exit wounds on his neck.  I really wanted to make sure because if I shot the wrong one I would be up to $4500.00 just on Nyala.  This time I shot better, although what started out as broadside became a quartering towards shot as the arrow passed through.  Exit was 3 inches behind the entrance but it worked.      I had my Nyala and was extremely lucky to say the least!  For those that are wondering he is 28 1/2 on one side and 28 3/8 on the other with 7 1/8th and 7 1/4 bases.  It's a really big Nyala and he is going to immortalized as a walking half mount with his head in sneak posistion turned slightly to the right!
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Offline Longbow1415

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2005, 10:51:00 AM »
:notworthy:    :notworthy:    :notworthy:    :notworthy:  

Thanks for shareing Joseph, and congratulations!
looking forward to some more....

68" 65@28 John Schulz American Longbow - "Tidy"
68" 60@28 John Schulz American Longbow Trophy Hunter
68" 59@28 John Schulz American Longbow - "The Favourite"
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Offline Joseph

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2005, 10:54:00 AM »
Lets see here, I guess that would put us at day 5 - Sitting in a blind, had good wind all day long and was surrounded all day long by animals that I can't shoot.  Good for pictures though.  I must say that Sable are the most noble looking animal I think I have ever seen but I won't ever have the money to shoot one unless I win the lottery.  Also after the novelty of seeing them weres off and they spend all day running off other animals and not letting them drink then they are a nusince.
Day 6 - Another long day of no shots.  :rolleyes:  The animals are neet to watch but I didn't come here so I could just look at them!
Day 7 - This is the previosly mentioned and shown Impala's day to die in the morning.  Tried for Kudu in the afternoon without luck.  You wouldn't believe how slight of a noise will scare these animals.
Stopping for here for now .  I need some sleep.  Will continue during my break at work tonight, thanks for the kind words and for letting me share.    :thumbsup:   Joseph
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Offline Hoodoo Arrow

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2005, 11:01:00 AM »
Come on Joseph!!!  Your email's got me absolutely wired for a kudu story.  Sleep fast bud.

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2005, 12:00:00 PM »
Great so far! Ever notice how some guys can really drag out a story?  :readit:   You better know Im kidding!  :bigsmyl:  CK

Offline kojac

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2005, 12:55:00 PM »
enough work, already!  Get on w/the Tradgang Verbal Vision (TVV)

" about the Sights, Sounds, Smells, and  the Hunted...All the hunter has to do is show up"

Offline herb haines

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2005, 01:01:00 PM »
Hey Joseph sure glad to be reading your adventures .always figured a wish list would last me about 2 sec. after seeing an animal i didn't have on it .
see you go for the expensive ones water buck and Nyla LOL figured i could get 10 impala for one water buck LOL
Man oh man what a trip --- herb  :thumbsup:
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Offline TexMex

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2005, 01:06:00 PM »
:notworthy:    :notworthy:

Offline Chad Sivertsen

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2005, 01:56:00 PM »
Great story Joseph. Makes me want to go back real bad. It is a unique experience without compare. You can read and plan for months but it all pales in comparison to the reality of being there. How very fortunate to get another chance at the same Nyala.
Happy Trails,

Offline frankb

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2005, 04:05:00 PM »
Great story, so far!  

Appreciate you sharing it!   :)

Frank B
"Until we meet again, may the Great Spirit make sunrise in your heart." ~Author Unknown~

Offline Joseph

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2005, 03:22:00 AM »
Day 8 - We left at 0600 to go to a different property that was about 40 miles away.  We were going to this place because there are suppose to be a lot of Zebras. We got settled in the blind and started the waiting game.  At just a little after 0900 I looked up from the book I was reading and saw some long graceful corkscrews reflecting the morning sun back in the brush.  It was a herd of Kudu bulls and several of them were good enough for me!  As they worked in to the waterhole I noticed that one of them was picking up it's left rear foot like a person whereing swim fins does when he walked.  I remembered Antonie talking about seeing this one here several times and nice he was.  He turned broadside to me at 0915 and I took the shot.  Antonie had told me to shoot just in front of the second stripe on the horizontal midline of the body.  I hit just in back of it but on the midline.  As he turned to run we could see the arrow hanging out the oppisite side by the feathers.  It was an Easton Axis arrow that is one of a half dozen that HooDoo Arrow donated to the TBM last February.  I put nylon cord in the center and had a 160 gr Magnus 1 on a long adapter on the front end.  Again the PH had to about sit on me but after an hour we called the truck and got out of the blind to follow the track and bloodtrail.  There was good blood and we found the arrow about 50 yards into the trail.  Another 50 yards past that the tracker saw the Kudu standing in the thorn brush about 50 yards away, watching us.  He didn't run while we were standing there and we eventually turned down a road and left him alone.  2 more hours in the blind yielded some Eland cow sightings and then it was time to move to a different blind.  Before we did that we went back to where we had last seen the bull and he was dead where we had last seen him standing.    :D      
You can see in the picture why he was walking funny, the back hooves on the left side had grown out like a banana.  It didn't seem to slow him down after the arrow had hit him though.  It is suppose to be in with the rest of my shipment when it gets to the states.  Looked like good limb tip material to me!  I was amazed that he had still been standing when we first saw him because there was blood runnung down his side and out his nose so Antonie instructed his tracker to see exactly what the broadhead had hit when he opened it up.  The arrow went through him right at the diaphragm and cut the liver, spleen, and the back of both lungs and he was still on his feet for 2 hours after the shot but he wasn't going anywhere.  If I had hit just in front of the second stripe it would have gotten the lungs better and been a faster killing shot.  These are real tough critters.  Based on my limited experience so far and seeing that penetration was not a problem I am glad I used as big a BH as I did and think a 160 Snuffer or the 2" wide Simmons might have been even better.  The same shot on the deer around my house would have had one on the ground in about 1 minute.  We didn't measure him before I left camp but all of the PH's guessed he was 48 - 49".  They are amazingly accurate when estimating the size of an animals horns and I never saw them overestimate the length on anything.  If they weren't dead on with their estimate it would be on the low side every time. Seeing as how I am on my break at work I should probably go get ready to look busy.  Joseph
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Offline Orso

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2005, 03:46:00 AM »
Great read!!  These animals are beautiful.  Thanks for sharing.

Offline herb haines

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2005, 03:49:00 AM »
Joseph , from what i have read it is hard for us in North America to get the shot far enough forward as we are used to shooting just back of the shoulder and the vitals are farther forward on animals from the old world . beautiful Kudu .always wondered about the size of the walls a person neeeds to put them on --  :D  -- herb
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Offline Jock

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2005, 04:32:00 AM »

Offline Joseph

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2005, 06:29:00 AM »
Thankyou all and Herb you are correct.  The vitals are not only farther forward but also higher within the chest cavity.  The lungs start almost half way up the side of the animal.  One of the animals I shot the arrow went through the meaty part of the shoulder in front of the crease maybe an inch below the horizontal midline and it went throught the top of the animals heart but it never touched the lungs!  My biggest problem with shooting them was getting a case of buck fever so bad every time I saw something I wanted to shoot.  When an animal I wanted to shoot would be standing around the water hole for a couple of hours I would get muscle fatigue from shaking so much.  My nerves were definetly affecting my shooting.  I am going to work on that a lot more before my 2007 return which I am already planning.  :bigsmyl:   Joseph
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Offline Kevin Bahr

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2005, 07:19:00 AM »
Congratulations Joseph!  What a fantastic trip and story.  I'm looking forward to hearing more about it in person.  Looks like you might have a couple of PBS photo entries there...
You sure smile alot, LOL!  
Kevin Bahr

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2005, 07:31:00 AM »
Oooff! Good on ya, Joseph. Memories for the rest of your life.
Bernie: "Hunters Are People Too"

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Offline Shaun

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2005, 07:48:00 AM »
Great stuff Joseph. Looks like first you will have to build a high ceilinged den to display all the giant horned mounts, then start saving for the return trip. If you did not get buck fever it would hardly be worth the effort - gotta love the thrill. Thanks for the ongoing report and pics.

Offline Al33

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #58 on: August 13, 2005, 08:00:00 AM »
Congratulations Joseph, awesome trophies you got.

I sure have enjoyed reading your accounts of your safari. You are doing a great job of telling us about it. Not likely I will ever go on safari to Africa, so I appreciate it all the more you taking me there with your reports.

I, of course, realize that primitve equipment has been used for eons to bring down huge beasts, but I am still in awe of the fact that a simple arrow shot from a simple bow does the trick. This especially comes home to me looking at your trophy Kudu.



Offline mike hall

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Re: I'm Back!!! (Story and Pictures added)
« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2005, 08:09:00 AM »
Thanks again for another great story. Wondering if the camp cook has grilled up any back straps off those buggers. If so, which animal has the best flavor?
Dat Kudu looks pretty tastey.


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