Guys......I'm whooped, flight got delayed and three days of hunting and jawing till the wee hours has taken its toll. There will be stories and images by many in the days to come.....hold on...this Texas Sweat had its share for sure.
I was truly honored to share a camp with this great bunch of guys. This was about as good as it gets boys and girls.
I'll leave ya this evening with a few quotes I heard during the hunt.........
"Nah, I'll just sit out here and cool off a bit" - Ben Moffitt.
"I noticed this cow at my chair with parachute cord hanging out of its mouth" - Dave 'Hunt It' Stinson.
"I'm glad you're down there instead of me" - Charlie Lamb.
"Those things are quite scary" - Conan 'slow walker' Nelson
"Oh no, ....those thorns and cactus was nothing compared to the gashes, stitches, and scars I saw in my immediate future." - JC
"I wasn't going to let that 2nd one boogie" - Jeff 'tippet' Springer
"I think I'm going to go home and teach my wife a little spanish" - Kyle Watson
"This is insane man" - Curtis Kellar
"I'm not too old enough that I can't whoop your butt....don't call me Mr. Kellar again." - Mr. Kellar :D
"You two being experienced bowhunters, I was expecting a more miraculous plan of a technical nature." - Krister of Norway.
See you guys tomorrow......