Well, as luck would have it, the pigs decided to show up early enough this day so that I wouldn't be tracking in the dark. Of course between the snakes and the cutbrush what else could a guy worry about after dark? Ha, Im not gonna start thinking about it now!
With my pig recovered and nightfall fast approaching, I took the slow ride across the ranch to see what all Brian had piled up. I just knew when I dropped him off that he was about to see the magic of this place explode around him. I'd told Brian comming in that this country down here is a trecherous place where a guy would suspect nothing could survive. One minute you look across the countryside and see nothing but desolate, unforgiving isolation and the next minute the veil is lifted, revealing magnificant undertakings in every direction. There is life in every form at work all around. Roadrunners slip past carrying a small lizzard, the Blue Quail speak to each other as they slip along, and coyotes, javelina, and abundances of other lifeforms slip from the shadows. I was certain Brian would soon understand the magnetic draw for guys like he and I. Oh had I ever fallen short in my discriptions. Brian had all the hopes of seeing game filled and I couldn't wait to hear every detail.
I rounded the last turn in my travels to pick up my friend. Where was he? I turned the noisy clatter of my diesel off and listened. Somewhere above in the only thing to resemble a tree, I hear him. Im here! Well, where's your quary? Out there he says through the darkness. Im pumped as I hear these words! I know the day has ended well. CK