SWEAT UPDATE...... 3/20...... 10:45 PM TX......Charley L Woke me right up; Sorry Curt I thought they were just having FUN and forgot us :mad:
Not so, seems that a pig got stuck, and as Curtis said the first bunch will understand.
Tracking is a B---H on these Hogs and Javies, Curtis started standing ,then bent over, then on hands and knees, then on his belly then, to a STOP all with a FLASHLIGHT
Charlie said he qulified as a "TUNNEL RAT" in SE ASIA. They will go back in the morning to see if they can find whats left...after YOTES.
Todays Body count went something like this:
BeachBowHunter.......Javie this morning
Whip had a Bore hog succumb to a sharp object.
Curtis called a yote in to about 6yds.
he also Bounced a Stone point off a javie's BEAN as he said "STONE met STONE"
To be Cont..................vance