Yes Steve H, you do seem more interested than usual!
We split up, with Terry and Eddie headed up one ridge and me on another. I soon found a little 3x3 buck asleep in a draw - way too small for me! With so many deer, I could be picky, right? Ha!
We walked and walked, seeing more does, fawns and small bucks. We reached the head of several ridges and decided to head back to camp. I impressed the guys again with my keen eyes, snatching first a small shed antler in front of Eddie and than a nicer, 5 point shed antler right out from under Terry's boot!
We came up on a group of deer and Terry spotted a nice little buck with forked G-2 tines, so off he went. Unfortunately the herd spooked and we had us a deer rodeo, but I managed to keep his buck frozen in his tracks with the ol' "bow over the head" trick. That buck just hadn't seen many "caribou" on the island (nor goofy bowhunters) and stood gawking at me while Terry oozed closer. Finally the spell was broken when I began the whitetail grunts and the deer departed quickly! Then we spent another 15 minutes hunting my binoculars. Oops.
Terry commented that maybe I should be looking for bucks as hard as I was looking for shed antlers, so I raised my eyes and spotted a VERY nice buck ahead, bedded on a bench on the slope. It was still in velvet and had numerous points. Both of my friends declined the stalk so off I went, promising to be done in 15 minutes as I circled behind and above the bucks. An hour later the rain stopped briefly and a double rainbow appeared over the buck - I took this as a sure sign from Above and moved in for the kill. At 30 yards the buck, a beautiful 5x5 with thick bases and forked G-2s that I wanted very badly, saw me and stood. I just can't shoot accurately that far, but he let me get 5 yards closer before swapping ends and preparing for a retreat. I drew and committed that error so familiar by now - I forgot to pick a spot! Of course the arrow only cut a few hairs under his big chest and he took 2 steps and stopped. There was my "rainbow buck" still close, so maybe I should shoot again, right? Except......I had taken off my Catquiver 30 yards back and didn't have another arrow! Now I really regretted my decision to get rid of my bow quiver! "My" buck slowly walked out of my life, and I was not a happy camper as I joined my buddies for the long walk back to camp. What a buck, and I had blown it!