We then split up in groups of three and went looking for squirrels. Signs of squirrel were everywhere, nests and cuttings, but after a short while in the woods, and only some ghostly sightings, it became evident that the squirrels weren't coming out to play. The area is well managed and has some good habitat for game but either high pressure or cold weather had all game in hiding. BigRonHuntAlot, VA bowbender, and I walked along a wooded road that had lespadeza and dried forbes along the edge trying to kick up some rabbits but only found a plethora (stole that one from killdeer) of water bottles that we cleaned up by shooting them all the way back to the parking lot. The other group had the same amount of luck. We noticed that Killdeer, Clark, and Spirit, had showed up while we were out, but they were still persuing game. What we didn't know was that Tom, Chris, and Conner were out playing in marsh mud as well. We wasted no time in setting up a make-shift kitchen in the back of VA Bowbender's truck. Everyone pulled out one delicacy or another. Ron made the BEST batter fried cubed venison I'd ever tasted. It literally melted in the mouth. UK made some bangers and a spot of tea.
There was jerky, smoked venison, smoked salmon, cheese,crackers, and venison bologna.