A half-mile walk through the woods, spit me out in a crp field that was ate up with rubs and scrapes. I found the straightest tree I could, next to a wide trail and climbed up for what was to be one of the most exciting evenings I've ever had. About ten minutes after climbing into my stand, a doe came running by like she was on fire, closely followed by a small eight pointer and a wide six point. I rattled and a tall seven came right under my stand but since I only have one Kansas tag, I decided I'd better wait. About 3:30pm, I saw a buck coming through the trees followed by two other smaller bucks. I rattled,grunted,snort-weezed,bleated, and everything else I could think of, but these bucks were on a mission to somewhere else. With only twenty minutes of shooting light left, I stood up and rattled as loud as I could and sat down. withing a couple minutes I could see a small buck coming along the edge of the crp toward my tree. The buck came into twenty yards and stood still checking the wind. I was fixed on the buck, wondering if maybe the wind had swirled, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw antlers. I slowly turned my head and saw a big eight pointer standing fifteen yards away. I stood up, drew,anchored, and released. As soon as I let the arrow go, I knew it was no good. My arrow slipped a couple inched under the buck's chest and stuck in the dirt. The big eight, jumped and threw his ears back and began walking sideways towards the littler buck. I quickly knocked another arrow. This time I was right on. The buck gave a giant kick and took off through the woods. I could see the blood on the leaves from my stand. I climbed down and walked over to the shot. From there I could see my buck about seventy yards through the trees. It was one heck of a drag to the truck. While on stand that evening, I saw seventeen deer, including eleven bucks. I'd say This evening on stand will be hard to beat in years to come. Tripper