So.... I gave this old girl about an hour, thinking I had at the least a good lung and liver hit.
Do to the way the arrow looked as she ran away, I have to say I was really leaning toward a double lung shot.
The shot actually ended up taking out the rear lobe of the near lung, then through the diaphram and into a thick part of the off side of the liver and out. No paunch was hit as far as I could tell.
Oh, and the loud crack was that near rib I hit. It was completely shattered. Looked like someone stuck a firecracker in there.
Something I've personally never seen the woodsman do. All my other kills with the woodsman, it has pushed to the side and went inbetween the ribs, maybe taking a small chunck of bone once in a while, but never committing to the entire rib.
So, given a solid portion of the lung and liver were damaged and close to an hour wait, what kind of ground do ya think this deer would have covered? Keep in mind the arrow was still in her. The woodsman was polished to hair pop'n sharp.
I've got to go shovel some snow, I'll be back later tonight with the recovery, the most interesting part.