...he was with the doe, but the problem was that she knew I was there. She'd occasionally start down the hill toward me, almost to see I'f the guy she was smelling was till around....he'd follow. After doing this a few times I herd another deer coming form the west and soon saw it was a 4pt'r. I could tell immediately when the big guy saw him.....he started wrecking a sapling, and then made a scape...but his intimidation tactics didn't work...the small buck kept getting closer. Slower now,but he was still advancing. I knew what was coming,and I watched the big 8 so I could witness it thru my bino's....he unloaded a very serious sounding snort wheeze!
That was enough for the little guy...he now knew better than get any closer! He just stood for a while,but then started to circle the doe...the big boy started rubbing and scraping and again snot wheezed! This went on for about 30 min. till the big guy had enough and escorted the little fella away.....once the big figured he'd gone far enough,he quickly made his way back to the doe....and the little guy never looked back.
The doe repeated he decent down the hill evry once in a while to sent check if the smelly guy was still there. Then would simply walk back up the hill. As it got darker,she got braver....
Then I heard crunching from the NW and here comes another racked buck. By now it was heard to tell how big, but he was a nice buck for sure. Another snort wheeze indicated to me the the big 8 had seen him now too......
Slowly it got dark and I heard the smaller racked buck go toward the west.....and the doe and the big guy finally in the fading light made there way eastward.....what a day!!
Up till this hunt with Doug, I'd only hunted 3 days,and had only seen 2 deer.
I needed a day off, and to hunt and get into some good action. Doug coming in was just the excuse I needed.....it couldn't have been any better....well maybe if Doug had killed a deer....now that would have been cool!!!
Next year I'll be better prepared bud, I hope you make it back