Another great time was had at Shrew Haven last week. We missed our buddy Ray Lyon this year because he switched jobs and couldn't get the time off to come to camp.
... :(
Kevin Marshal also has a new job and couldn't get the whole week off but he made it up for a few days and managed to take home some venison.
Most of the week was unseasonably warm which kept the deer from moving as much as they normally would at this time of year. But still everyone got a deer except yours truly. :rolleyes:
Here's a picture of this years deer pole. Kevin had already gone home so there would have been one more hanging if he had been there.
Left to right, Tim Cosgrove with a big Matriarch doe that dressed out at 140#. Greg (Chef) Nicolaou, myself, and Roger Norris. This picture was taken on Sunday Morning the day we left for home and as you can see, the Temperature had dropped and we had a skiff of snow on the ground.