Went out tonight and found my arrow. It was laying on the far side of where the deer was standing when I shot it. The interesting thing is that the shaft was broken off about 2" past the broadhead. Did not find the broadhead. Must have hit something hard after passing through the deer. The shot distance was 12 yards.
All of my other deer have been taken with 50# bows, 450 g arrows, and 2-blades. I was interested to see what 45# would do. The CE150's that I've been shooting tuned real well with 200g up front so I thought I'd give the heavier arrow (550g) a try. My FOC is 19% so it's right at the minimum (for EFOC) per Dr. Ashby. Needless to say, I'm impressed. I guess those guys that have been touting the benefits of heavy arrows out of light bows have been right all along.