"I spend two weeks doing this and 50 weeks preparing to do it again," John told me.
I am in two states of mind as penning of this tale begins...
-the first is a profound sense of gratitude for the invite to participate in another grand adventure and memories that were added to my retirement fund.
-the second is a new understanding of the word tired. I have done my best to keep up with a pair of 50ish mountain men in steep country, ridden horses for 30 miles and camped at the altitude that airliners descend to when they loose cabin pressure.
What a week! The short version is three flat landers hunt CO public ground (8% archery success), one shot and meat in the cooler. The fact that the shot was taken with a training bow is mitigated by the 8 yard range, mechanical malfunction that put the arrow a full foot from the intended mark, a shaft guided by the Great Spirit and most of all a new convert to traditional archery as a result.
I have chores to do and maybe some rest but for now I will leave you with the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega. I will return to fill in the whole tale with lots of pictures and I am sure that my new blood brothers John and Eric will chime in as they catch up.
Starting up from the trail head
Last morning in "Happy Valley"