Sometimes things like this are meant to keep us humble, we searched the best we can, we hunt the hardest we could, and the simple things puzzle us the most. Inside you did the best you could, with what you had, and there were probably critters out there that took care of the rest, so it really doesn't go to waste, because that's the design of nature. But by putting your steps together, you ended the journey knowing that the buck you arrowed is a trophy in your hands. We always remember our mistakes the most, very few people can tell you who won the Super Bowl two years ago, but most of the sports figures that make big mistakes, many people can remember their names, and that's the way it is with ourselves, most of the time we are harder on ourselves more than anybody else is.
The benefit from this, look the good friend you've got, that was good enough to send a trophy like that. Now that's something to build on.
Pastor Carl