Clay said "my arrow just hit a 2x4! just stopped." Naaaaa, them hogs are just like whitetails :rolleyes:
Anyway, we found immediate blood and we were hopeful...
The first 40-50 yards were easy to follow, with most of the palmettos covered like this
After about 100 yards I had a sinking feeling...the blood was obviously less profuse than the start...we both feared a non-fatal muscle hit. Another 100 yards later and we were down to working for it. 30 yards later, we were crawling between flooded rows of pines...with a spot of blood here and there. A couple hours into it we wer at the end of the blood. It took a while for the weight to hit us, but when it did, we decided we would pull out and head back to camp to try to get Matt and his dog Montana.
It was a grim walk back to the truck for both of us. We tried to remain hopeful but experience told us otherwise.