I headed back down to the WMA where I killed my hog a couple weeks ago this afternoon.I have had a couple bucks in bow range there,one a legal 6 and another 6 that wasn't legal.I have also had a couple does in range,but no shots offered other than the boar.The area has a good number of both deer and hogs.
This is about all the water left in the area of the swamp.Small puddles.
Here's what the majority of it looks like,this bay is usually pretty deep.
Now this afternoon I go in to where the nice 6 gave me the slip at 10yrds.There is a nice little natural blind there,and I slip into it at about 1pm.The whole time I sat there,something was telling me to move deeper into the bottom.After listening to this for about an hour I got up and eased down the dry slough.I found myself a spot nestled among 3 cypress trees,with a blow down across in front of the triangle of trees,I climbed in.There was a good crossing about 15yrds downwind,with random tracks running every direction.Not long after getting there,I hear a weird noise off to the east,and turns out a red-tail hawk was trying to catch him a squirrel.Over the course of about an hour,he made 4 attempts,all fruitless,but an awesome show none the less!The first time I hunted the area I saw a barred owl catch him a meal in there,that was cool!After the hawk put on a show for me,it got a little quiet for a while,until 6pm.I hear a small stick pop to the west,and I notice a doe comming down the slough.She comes past the cypress on my left about 10 yrds out,but from my spot,I can't shoot to where she is.She comes to an old cypress stump,when she passes behind it she comes to a small birtch tree.When she passes the birtch for a couple steps it looks like she is going to keep down the edge of the slough and not offer a shot.About that time she turns back and walks right out into the slough.This has her at about 12-15yrds,but she's quartering to me pretty sharp.She then decides to start back down the slough away from me,and I'm looking at my spot!She stops to give a good look to where she is headed,and I burn that hole,and the next thing you know there is an arrow sticking in it!!!
After a nerve wracking 30 minute wait I take up the track.After about 80-100yrds,I found her waiting on me.I sat there with her for a few minute,just breathing it all in,man I am pumped!
I'll be waiting on a buck in the am,in the same general area,over looking a small crossing