Thanks for all the responses.Sorry for not following up but the computer crashed at the librairy,and it's my only internet access right now.First of all,THERE IS NO MATERS ON THIS BUCKS BREATH.I can't shoot my buddy,or the 5 1/2 year old albino that I have watched since she was born on the farm.As for a story...I saw no deer that morning,not a one.That afternoon,he was the ninth withen twenty yards.I should not have had a shot on this deer,as comicle as the afternoon went.Long story short four of the nine busted me.They didn't blow,Just knew something wasnt right.I bleated with my mouth and brought three back but no clear shot presented itself and they soon lost interest.The whole time the small buck is behind me eating red oak acorns that fell from the only mast bearing tree within three countys this year.Then I notice movement from the direction the does went,and here comes a dry doe right to me.Why is she coming back I wonder when I see a skunk right behind her.What the he.. is this i time get ready...At 15 yards I draw while consentrating on a spot right behind the knuckle of the front shoulder and SMACK.I hit the only branch in between us,maybe as big as my thumb.Clean miss,So I load another arrow and ease my eyes back to where the buck was and well...Lets just say he was not well educated in his first season last year.I had to face the tree,reverse cant the bow(which I have practiced,Thanks Terry),and center punched him at 15 yards.Short and lucky recovery through some tall grass that had red spots everywhere that looked like blood.Oh I forgot to mention that at my draw i am only pulling 46# and I broke a rib coming and going with this set up.