Lets do some pix!!!!!
Friday night was just awesome for Cade and I...we weren't there for 10 minutes and still saying our hello's when Big Ed walked in with a brand new, made by "Big Ed" longbow for Cade! An absolute 48", rocket launching beauty!!!
Then Big Ed says he brought something for me as well...and in walked Tim Golder!
I've been inviting Tim and his boy up for years, but they could never make it. This year I didn't send an invite with everything going on....and he showed up with Ed...how cool!
The next morning things got started a little slow.....
Cade shooting his brand spankin' new "Big Ed" longbow at the steel bunny....
My buddy "Glenbo" doing the same....
The crowd was gathering....
Jen in the middle of an incredible tumbling run down the plywood walkway to officially kick-off the 2010 JLMBH!!!!!
The "Kid's hunt" participants...down a little from last year....
Right before the kids hunt started, Cade was having a bit of a reaction to all the dogs we was playing with in the house. So I gave him some Benadryl to stop it.
The kids hunt started quick for him, he had a quick shot right off the bat! I think "Pop"(Dick) Langer might have even captured it on video!
The next push as he waited with Damon(nomad88), Shawn and I pushed another bunny at him again that he got a shot off at as well as many of the others...very cool again!
Damon and Cade after the shot....as you can see the Benadryl is starting to take effect...
My boy....check out the new bow! Quilted Maple back veneers, and Red cedar on the belly...
Leading the way....yes that's "huntmaster" Shawn with the mohawk!!!!!