Man what memories!! I remember Curts eye thing and I hired someone with a loader to come clear my back yard! We got hit by 2 storms the two weekends before each dumped over 17"s, we had like 36"s on the ground. We literally had to crawl in some spots to distribute our weight so we would not sink out of sight!! Come to think of it, we were lucky not to lose Mikey!! Guys wait 'til ta see some of these donations, I know of two that when combined are over $3500 dollars. Everyone better bring their piggy banks cause I am spending a few hundred just to have a chance at some of this stuff!! I will post my addy again so guys have directions and parking info and such as we get closer!! Things are coming together nicely!! That picyure of Sonny reminds about his owner, one of the true originals and true bunny hunters, I was there when he shot his one and only bunny and it is something I will never forget!! I called Tom(Swampbuck)over and said thereis a bunny right here under this down tree, I knew as I had just put 5 rabbits out from it and killed the sixth. While I was standing catching my breath another ran under it. Tom came over and I said just shoot down in thru here(remeber there was over 3ft of snow) He shot and the arrow started to quiver and Tom had his bunny!! Very Nice my friend!! See ya'all soon! OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Shawn