Hey ya'll...what A blast !!!
AS you can see there was a bit of shootin', yes bow and arrow shooting TOO !!
Not sure what time we all cleared out and headed for the brush but, it was like a mass explosion of people, dogs and bows.
High hopes had each of moving along at a fun loving pace.
The group I was with bumped a bunny within 5 minutes of the cabin. We popped brush and turn over leaves, but alas...no cotton tail.
We moved on; Bona and Greg Went left. Steve,Calvin and Ethan went right. John and I went brush stumbling.
We crossed paths and weaved and wandered around the area. We shot arrows acrossed the ice. We shot at Itty bitty cedars. We shot at fence posts. We even shot at the sky.
John, Calvin Steve and I were treated to a pair of does and a buck in mid-speed pursuit.
We went in had some chow and conversation.
Around 5, Bona,Greg and I went out for another try. We popped one bunny out of the weeds ...I missed
But at least I had a chance
This morning; we played P-I-G....
Ethan walked away with a Voodoo 1 off armguard.
Brianne left with a 'new to her' bow and a half dozen arrows (courtesy of Hawksnest).
I won't be far off by saying, Everyone had at least a little fun.
I came away with some new friends, some renewed friendships and a lot of anticipation for the next Indiana Bunny Romp!!
As for remembering faces; I can't either,so..
I am 2d from the left, Ethan is 3d and that guy in the back with the black sock hat, 8th from the left; that's my buddy Calvin. Calvin is from Florence,SC and he was driving the big Peterbilt parked at the cabin.
He wanted me to say Thanks, to all who were there and made him feel Welcome and amongst friends!
Back on the road, be in touch in a few days. Stay warm and safe. Thanks again for being who Tradgang has become.