What a great time yesterday!!!! Definetely should be a yearly event!!!
I won't leave my snow shoes haning in the garage next year!!!
Many thanks to Ron of Badger Arrow for setting up the club house, etc. and to Joe and Ohne for letting us tromp all over their places. Ohne's place was just loaded with rabbit sign. Some of it from the rabbits, some of it what was left of the rabbit after it came out the other end of the coyote.
Squirt, the dog, had a great time and slept the whole ride home. I'm pretty sure for the first hunt at Ohne's he thought he was trying to put up pheasants. It wasn't until the afternoon at Joe's place that he got to figure out what he was looking for. That Pope and Young bunny that we kicked out of the downed tree really got him going. It was perhaps the biggest rabbit I have seen, and probably the ring leader behind all of the viscous bunny charges that we experienced yesterday. Squirt even jumped in the creek trying to sniff them out.
I'm still wondering if Jason figured out how he was going to field dress that thing after it ate and spit back 3 arrows and stood its ground with a dog 3 feet away. It was kind of scary for a moment, before we realized what we had in front of us.
Can't wait to do it again.
Thanks to all,
Jerry + Squirt