I had a good shot opportunity almost every day. Many of them were very close and only pilot error prevented me from bringing home the bacon on several occasions.
My best day afield was spent at windmill #12 where the pre hunt crew had constructed a lovely pit blind with "landscaping" just 5 yards south from the spill water hole. Allen hunted this spot a couple of mornings but no one had tried the afternoon shift. I kept the spot corned and waited for a north wind. The north wind finally arrived and I settled in about 2:00 PM with a good book.
At around 3:00 I turned a page and looked up. I had been counting on hearing the woof of javies or the jostling and oinking of hogs to break my reading spell. What I was not counting on was a coyote sneaking in for a drink. Right there across the pond was a nice dog yote and on the rise behind his lookout mate. I eased into position and was pleased to note that the coyote seemed unable to pick out my movement as the 1959 Bear Alsakan came back and a cedar shaft sped towards his quartering flank. He took off just as the arrow arrived and somehow he and the arrow appeared to share space but not time. For a while I just looked at the orange shaft with yellow four fletch sticking in the sand on the other bank. Oh well, back to my book.
After a bit I retrieved the arrow and touched up the razorhead tip with a file. About 5:00 I finished the book and looked up to see Mr Dog returning for another sip. His mate trotted along the ridge 80 yards away on alert as he came down the opposite bank again.
This time I pulled out the camera and snapped a few pics as he checked for danger and then leaned in for another drink.
As he turned to go, I took one more photo
and then raised the bow. This time I focused on the last rib and let fly with a clean release. He got in a half step only before the freshly filed broadhead met its mark. He took off in a streak with shaft showing on both sides and made it almost out of sight before I thought I saw him tumble. I waited a while and then headed towards the last spot I'd seen him. About 80 yards away a dark spot was visible ahead. (Center of photo)