My buddy Wade (Stripstrike1) and I had an awesome turkey hunt Friday AM at my place in Columbus, TX. We were set up in a small clump of oaks in the middle of a pasture where I missed 2 turkeys on Tuesday. It was a little slow early but we heard some gobbles from the roost. It got real quiet for a while and then I was able to get a hen to answer me. I cut at her and got her all irritated. She came looking for a fight and brought a whole flock including 5 longbeards strutting behind her. Wade was supposed to bring his video camera and forgot. I gave him my still camera and he only got one pic of the action, said he was so excited he forgot. After the shot 3 more gobblers came out and 2 started fighting. We left the blind and stalked the preoccupied turkeys and wade barely missed at 25 yds. Here are the pics.
This is the view from the blind about 30 seconds before the shot. Schwake lost his mind after this and forgot to record the rest of the action.

here is the bird as we found him after the shot.

The obligatory grip-and grin

The fighting gobblers

Schwake after the stalk and shot.

And the prize

It was an awesome day in the spring woods!