Originally posted by Barry Wensel:
[QB] Our goals are about the same, fully mature buck of 5 1/2 yrs. or older, approx. 160 inches of antler and under the 20 yard line. ... but I've pretty much patterned my life to be able to do what I do. It's taken a lot of sacrifice in more ways than one.
And that statement right there is why these brothers get to pose with deer like that...
All the "if only" in the world doesn't change that one sentence..."taken a lot of sacrifice in more ways than one..."
And that also is why I'll never, except for totally outhouse luck, ever, ever see let alone shoot such a deer or anything even close.
Cudos to you for the endless learning, years of hard work...and SACRIFICE to make such encounters reality!
Thank you for sharing, Unk!