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Author Topic: Uncle Barry missed... update  (Read 67245 times)

Offline Barry Wensel

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Uncle Barry missed... update
« on: November 15, 2009, 04:07:00 PM »
I've been getting a lot of emails and calls from guys wanting to know how my hunt for Hurly has been going. For those who didn't read it you can check the TG search bar dated 10/29 for the post titled "Uncle Barry missed a monster". That will set the stage. As stated, after missing the buck I repositioned the stand (with Gene's necessary help) to a tree about 75 yards up the drainage. Frankly, I think the second tree is better than the original. I found seven of his scrapes along the creek and we put three trail cameras out to try and get his picture. The stand is set up for a basic south wind with SE or SW being fine too. This was a very educational experience to say the least and it only justifies why I love this stuff so much. Because the stand is on a shelf in the bottom of a valley between two basic east/west running ridges I went into the situation knowing it was a gamble. The flat I was hunting is on the north side of a smallish drainage running east/west. There are three or four little dry seepages draining off the main ridge lines offering several funnels. The flat itself offers some easy walking for cruising bucks. There's even the remnants of an old wire fence adding a piece to the puzzle in the mature hardwoods. The flat lies between two know brushy bedding areas. I've learned that mature bucks like these areas BECAUSE of the unstable wind currents. They have learned to adapt very well. I call them "slow walkers". When hunting these areas I've noticed a high percentage of mature bucks. I've also noticed they tend to walk very, very slow. They'll take a step or two then just stand there. Then take another couple steps and stand there. What they are doing is actually waiting for the inconsistent air currents to shift enough to let them know it's safe to proceed... thus the "slow walkers". I'm of the opinion this adaptation has directly contributed to their longevity. I sat the stand six different days and saw ten different bucks before I finally saw a doe. Of those ten bucks, half of them were mature and all of them but two of the younger ones were slow walkers. As I said, it was a gamble at best but the fact remains I could have killed five of the ten bucks. I'm a computer idiot so maybe I can get Steve-O to post some of the pictures later. One great up-and-comer 5x5 not only was a slow walker but I watched him actually bed down (for less than five minutes each time) waiting for the winds to shift before he preceeded. The one time he picked to bed was eight yards right in front of me. I got some great video of him blinking on telephoto. Ha. Another slow walker was a giant, massive 5x4. In fact, he is the same buck in a photo on page 159 of Gene's new book "Bucksin and Bones" and in a recent article published in the last issue of PROFESSIONAL BOWHUNTER Magazine titled "Failure to Launch." We both passed him up two years ago. Although Gene stated in the photo caption " I passed up this very old, very massice 5x4 one October, hoping I could do better. I should have shot him." We were wrong. So much for us "experts". This year he's considerably bigger with bases as "big around as a can of corn" and he carries the mass all the way out the mainbeams. I also took video footage of him so hopefully you'll all get to see him someday too. I'm going to now pull a Biggie Hoffman... I gotta go. I'm busy will continue later. BW

Offline Pat B.

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2009, 04:36:00 PM »
Speaking of "Buckskin and Bones" has Gene started shipping yet? How about your book Barry?

I want to hear the rest of this story before your NEXT book comes out, "Biggie"... LOL..

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2009, 04:38:00 PM »
I wouldn't do that to you guys. I just had to pee. Ha. So anyway, I got four trail camera pictures of Hurly (remember, I named him Hurly because I felt like hurling when my arrow flew over his back.) Check out the body size on this baby (when Steve-O posts the pics)... industrial strength! This video and trail camera thing brings up a whole other topic. I'm of the opinion, for some unknown reason to me, bucks usually look smaller on trail camera photos than in reality. Even with video footage. When you watch the footage in live motion Hurly's rack is very impressive. But when you freeze-frame it the rack suddenly blends with surrounding twigs, shadows or some other depth perception issues (???) and looks smaller. A good example is the trail camera picture of Gene's big non-typical Woody on page 170 of his new book (or on our website)versus the one on page 181. The one on page 170 looks like a 200-210" deer not one that was over 230". Anyway, interesting. Now, back to the chase. You'll soon see Hurly walking right in front of my empty ladder stand. Notice the sun is still shining and his times are very predictable/consistent. I was (by choice) sitting in another area because when these photos were taken the winds were dead wrong. Of course this is hindsight, but I now wonder if I should have gambled on a dead wrong wind with the inconsistent eddies, seeing the day I missed him the winds were going right for him. Speaking of this, I also have noticed when hunting areas like this updrafts are very common. I think that was the case when I missed him. Thinking back on it I probably should have tried wheezing and gambled on bringing him in closer for the sucker shot. Be back soon. UB

Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2009, 04:48:00 PM »
Yes.. Gene's book came in the day before yesterday and he shipped hundreds of them out right away. Sorry to say my book is a different story. The bookmaker ran into some major problems because of it's volume (pushing 400 pages)and they "may have lost some of the text". Therefore it had to be entirely re-edited. Then there were also some computer issues where the photos and artwork (137 photos plus 26 drawings) were coming out distorted. They now say they have gotten the problems all corrected, but as of the other day they are telling me my delivery date will be AFTER Christmas. I'm really pretty stressed out about this as I know a pile of people pre-ordered my book for Christmas presnts. My most sincere apologies but it's totally in the printers hands now. I'm extremely sorry for the delay. Thank you all for your patience. BW

Offline hogdancer

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2009, 04:58:00 PM »
Thanks for the update, looking forward to the pictures!
PBS regular Member,
but most importantly father to my two girls !
The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government _Thomas Jefferson

Offline varmint101

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2009, 05:16:00 PM »
So...are we getting two pictures?  Trail cam and a grip 'n grin?  :)
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!

Indiana Bowhunter Association
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Offline Barry Wensel

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2009, 05:42:00 PM »
Okay, back to the story. I was getting pretty frustrated because of four straight days of 30 MPH winds. On the positive side, I was able to approach the stand in the dry leaves better than if it was dead quiet. But on Novemeber 8th one of the farmhands saw Hurly standing guard over a doe in a small strip of trees a LONG way from my set-up. More frustration. The next three days were predicting east winds. I had no stands in the area good for the rare easterly winds. I thought I'd lay off him for a few days in hopes he'd leave his girlfriend for his old haunts. The morning of Nov. 9th dawned cool and clear. I decided to sit a great stand a good two miles away. At 7:15 I blindly wheezed, waited a couple minutes and rattled. Then gave it a couple more minutes and wheezed again. A couple minutes later I rattled for the second sequence. Within seconds I heard something boldly marching in from my right and behind me. He stepped out and it truly was the kind of beautiful sight we all dream about. He did a half-circle right in front of me at about 30 yds. stopping to work the overhead branches of a cedar just across the fence of the property lines. Normally I don't like to wheeze when they're that close but because he was on the wrong side of the fence; because he'd already heard me wheeze and because I had a good wind, I cupped my mouth and wheezed like it was coming from behind me. He instantly bristled up, laid his ears back, cocked his head and here he comes. Did you ever sit in your stand and mentally pick your "sweet spot". The spot where, if you had your choice, you'd like your buck to be standing? Well, he walked right into my sweet spot and I lost control. The arrow double lunged him for a complete pass-through and I watched him go down in fifty yards. 7:26. Right about then I remembered the camera. Ha. Sorry guys... sometimes in the heat of the battle.. they say. I hunt for the memories and it really was a beautiful scenario but the fact is I totlly misjudged him. I thought he was over 160" but he's not. He's a nice 6x6 with great character. A basic 5x5 plus a split right brow plus he's got a third antler? four inch goober coming off his forehead separate from the left mainbeam. He measures 153 5/8" for those who are into that stuff. So now, here I sit in a state of depression that I don't have another valid buck tag until just before Christmas. My wife comes home this evening from visiting the grandkids. So I'll spend a couple days home and then try to film and help Gene. By the way, I'll bet money he'll be getting a bigger one. I have to hand it to the guy as he passed up a potential up and comer Booner 6x6 a couple weeks ago. It was a frontal shot at 15 yds. and he had more self-control than most guys I know. Got it all on film too. Anyway, I'll see if I can get Steve-O to post some photos to document this tale. Meanwhile, best of luck to all. BW

Offline Tique

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2009, 06:06:00 PM »
Congrats Barry, sounds like a real nice buck to me. Looking forward to the pics.
Untested ideas are not facts.

Offline Tdog

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2009, 06:07:00 PM »
Barry thanks for the story..Can't wait to see the photo's...

Offline varmint101

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2009, 06:12:00 PM »
Congrats on the buck Barry.  If Steve-o isn't around I can put the photos up for you.
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!

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Offline Winterhawk1960

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2009, 06:18:00 PM »

If your book is anything like your storytelling with "Hurley"........a person, won't be able to put it down until the last page has been turned.

I'm sure it is frustrating to you, but I am also just as sure that it will be MORE than worth the wait, to get the book.

I can't wait to see some pictures.

What if you woke up tomorrow, with only what you thanked God for today ???

Offline wislnwings

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2009, 06:18:00 PM »
Thanks for the story.  Looking forward to the pics.

Offline J.Williams

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2009, 06:20:00 PM »
Sounds like a great hunt and deer...look forward to the pics.

Offline Fritz

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2009, 06:32:00 PM »
Awesome Barry! Can't wait to see the pics. and don't worry about your book being a little late. I'm sure most guys here feel like me, some of the best things in life are worth waiting for.  :thumbsup:
God is good, all the time!!!

Offline Reggie Catfish

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2009, 06:38:00 PM »
Thanks for sharing- can't wait to see the pictures

Offline Frisky

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2009, 07:00:00 PM »
Great story! Thank you for sharing.


Offline JC

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2009, 07:06:00 PM »
Great story Uncle B. Can't wait to see all the pics. Hey, what's the cost to be your bow caddy for a season just to learn "at the feet of the master"?    :rolleyes:  I just want to be in the same zip code as bucks that size, let alone actually see a feller put a stand close enough to kill one.

P.S., I'll bring cookies...     :D
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
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Offline hogdancer

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2009, 07:19:00 PM »
pics of Hurly.
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The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government _Thomas Jefferson

Offline hogdancer

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2009, 07:19:00 PM »
the "Slow walker"
PBS regular Member,
but most importantly father to my two girls !
The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government _Thomas Jefferson

Offline hogdancer

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Re: Uncle Barry missed... update
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2009, 07:20:00 PM »
Barry and his buck.
PBS regular Member,
but most importantly father to my two girls !
The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government _Thomas Jefferson

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