I just sent this to the Michigan Department of Agriculture:
Please follow up with any emails that you would like to!!!!
http://michigan.gov/mda/0,1607,7-125-1572-85723--,00.html Dear Members of the MDA:
A new "hunting" organization has recently proposed a nationally-sponsored method of tranquilizing deer and reviving them repeatedly on a private deer farm in Gladwin, MI, as part of an organized, points-oriented trophy hunt.
Their stated aim is to tranquilize deer multiple times, and have them revived again and again for sporting purposes. The tranquilizers would be attached to arrows and/or fired from firearms. There are large sums of money (stated to be in excess of $500,000) to be awarded as prizes to the most successful "hunter".
There are some legal concerns to this question, and those of us that support true hunting in this state are A.--concerned that the organizers are trying to represent all hunters in this endeavor; and B.--that there are legal ramifications to their harassment of livestock. (which deer are considered to be within a high-fenced area).
There are many avid sportsmen and women who would like to know of the MDA's stand on this proposed event.
The website sponsoring this event can be reviewed at:
www.worldhunt.com Thank you so much for your looking into this matter.
Thanks for your time, as it is sincerely appreciated.