I just sent a copy of the link to the video to virtually everyone on my "contacts" list, hunter or no, with the following explanation:
If the link below doesn't work, copy and paste it into your browser window. This video has do do with "high-fence" killing of deer. Proponents call it high-fence "hunting", but this is NOT hunting! It has NOTHING to do with ethical hunting and fair chase, which gives the animal opportunity to detect and evade the hunter, something they are VERY good at. An ethical hunter seeks game on its own territory, where it has plenty of escape routes, the opportunity to get your scent, hear you, or see you, and escape, which happens often. These deer learn from their experiences, and become progressively wiser and harder to hunt, a challenge that real hunters enjoy. High-fence killing traps the deer in an enclosure it cannot usually escape, and its murderer virtually shoots at will, sometimes paying tens of thousands of dollars to do so. Sometimes, the trapped deer are also drugged or sick, making them even easier prey. Sometimes, by whatever means, some of the sick deer do escape, to spread disease through the healthy herds in the wild.
High-fence killing is an abominable practice, and decent, fair hunters get tarred with the same brush as these monsters. Please contact your Congressmen and senators, both state and federal, and urge them to bring these places down. Even if you don't hunt, real conservationist groups like the National Wildlife Foundation or the Isaac Walton League certainly have to be against this practice. Find and join any one of these groups that suits you and works against this awful thing, and add your voice to theirs. Thank you.