While I have no quarrel with the idea that we do not need activist judges or whack jobs running our legal system, there's still a matter of respect, good or bad, for the "OFFICE"...even if the judge doesn't respect the office she holds, we MUST respect it.
She runs the courtroom till she is removed from office, right or wrong. Do you honestly think that this film appearing on YouTube is going to be responsible for her being removed from the bench? Let's be real...she didn't do anything wrong. The brother of the perpetrator did something disrespectful to the authority of the court and he got his butt called on it...I am with John Scifres on this one.
If someone had done what this fellow did to a conservative judge that WE liked, he would have had the same thing done to him and we wouldnt be here talking about it. Its apparent to me that there was more to this than meets the eye, the judge knew who that guy was and why he did what he did, in my opinion.
Get her for the REAL stuff she has done wrong, get her for MAKING law instead of interpreting it, but don't try to tell me that this judge wasn't in the right for calling this clown on the carpet for being disrespectful to THE COURT by huffing his little butt out of the room when he THOUGHT she was doing something he didn't THINK he was going to like.