I've been trying to contact the ArchDiocese of Rockville Centre for more than 2 years...to nao avail. the Bishop's office will not respond to my telephone calls or letters.
For the last 4 years they've had either sharpshooters or a shotgun hunter shooting the deer over a bait pile. In one night the shotgunner took 33 deer!!!!
It's just another example of how lands are being closed out for bowhunters. We (New York Bowhunters Inc.) have a very successful Urban Deer Management Program, but for several years now, not just the ArchDiocese, but 8 other municipalities have ignored the Program. They'd rather pay sharpshooters (up to $2,000'day), use their police forces over bait piles, try sterilization, or install 8'-9' high deer fences.
As bowhunters, we can do it safer, more ethically, and for FREE!!!!
Now that the mid-term elections are a thing of the past, I'll be focusing on political pressure.
When you see the facts of the deer/vehicle collision rates dropping when the Program is utilized, it's kinda hard to ignore. When will they listen, when someone is impaled by an antler throught a windshield?