This "baiting debate" seems to be a part of this discussion, wether we know it or not. The question of what is wrong or right has a twist to the subject. Is he wrong for doing it, when others do "kinda" same thing, and am I wrong for letting it go, after seeing others "kinda" doing the same thing ?
Natural foods are not baiting, in my humble opinion. Planted food plots and hand placed foods are baiting, again, in my humble opinion. Farm crops, I don't know, I've on occassion hunted them, had a tough time at it too, never got a deer out of a corn or soybean field. I myself do not like hunting over any man made baits and will not, wether it be bear over a can or what have you. Set up an ambush or get on a stalk. This is just me.
We all must hunt and abide, by whatever state laws are set in place, for whatever state we hunt in. Pure and simple !
The "industry" of hunting has generated so much revenue, that any more it is not what it use to be. You need this and that to bag the biggest buck in the woods. If you do this, you be on top of the heep, famous, all wise, picture in a book. Contests are out of this world for hunting trophies. You see it every day. They have a weapon for every season, a scent, call or gimmick for every type of animal. You never read about a 15 year old or a 48 year old for that matter, and his first doe, or spike in any national magizine, a simple rabbit or squirell hunt. It is always about the big trophies and what or how they did it to get that rack. We hunters as a whole, are doing this to our selves. We need to think alot about what and why we do this. We need to help each other "police" ourselves. We need to look into our own hearts, minds and souls when we go afeild and try to help guide new folks in that direction. A direction of a true woodsman and hunter, a conservationest. We each have our own reasons why we do what we do, and to each his own. But we all need to stand up for what we do as well. Some times it's a sad thing we must do, but we must do it, or we'll all just be sitting here typing out things like this, remembering the old days when we could actually go out and do it.
Just a simple opinion, of a simple hunter.
I'm not very good at typing out my feelings, I do better around a fire with a hot cup of coffee