I just think that if they do go ahead with the 4 point restriction, so many deer NOT LEGAL are going to be called in as does. And if they move the rifle season to late November where they moved in from, how many wives/moms are going to be complaining? They moved around turkey season for that purpose and Easter (at least i think).
But that would just mean the rut would be over and maybe a second one coming in. And I think they where talking about moving the doe season into middle October. But then what does that do to the youth hunt? And with the Tell-a-Check, how can they be certain that it is a doe in fact? And people wonder why the average age for hunters is increasing each year. If they put in a restiction, that just makes things harder. Kids dont want to have to pass on the first deer they see in the wild because it's to small. I would know, I'm still only 14.