Do we have a defeatist attitude or what?
All this talk of the "end of hunting". I think it time we flexed our considerable muscle and fought back.
We talk of the antis not only with disdain but with fear. Why? Is their point of view that strong and that correct? I don't think so, but even I feel overwhelmed by them at times.
What is it they possess that makes them so formidable?
Money, sure. But more than that they have a message that the masses can sympathize with. They protect puppies and kittens. At least that's all that 90% of people know.
And that's how they market themselves. And what do we do? We argue that killing is right. It's a very hard argument to make the non-hunter swallow.
We have our organizations. The NRA does a good job getting word out about issues, mobilizing hunters / shooters and they have considerable political clout. But they also have Ted Nugent as an outspoken member. Not a symapthetic figure by any stretch.
And the NRA has a very poor public image. From the moment Heston made his "cold, dead fingers" proclamation the NRA has been lambasted by every form of media.
What we need, I think, is an organization that is as sympathetic as the HSUS and whose message is not about fighting for our rights but protecting our planet or some such feel good message.
Why can't we exploit the parts of what we do that people can relate to? Conservation, outdoor recreation, comradery. We could be the "protect our natural resources from commercial development, spend time with family and friends, watching the sunset" group ... that also protects the rights of hunters, anglers and shooting enthusiasts ... just as the HSUS is the group that protects puppies and bunnies ... and is fiercly opposed to the killing or eating of animals.
Wouldn't having such an organization, well funded, be paramount? And rather than be disgusted by technology and its invasion into hunting, let's use it to our advantage. Let's bang on the doors of the companies that make and sell these things and get donations from them.
We'll never stop the industry from introducing new technology. They are in it to make money and if they think you would buy a blood trailing light then they will build it. So the best we can do is profit from their success.
Am I wrong?