Here we go again with our NRC shananigans! :mad:
Highlights from Bill Parker's column on page 3 of the August 28 Michigan Outdoor News:
1) The Widlife Division will make a presentation to the NRC at the Sept 10 meeting, covering topics such as timing of the harvest relative to breeding and fawn recruitment, hunting pressure, impact on other seasons, results of hunter opinion surveys, economics, potential opening dates, separate regional opening dates, and considerations for opening other seasons like archery deer and muzzleloader on Saturday.
2) DNR Director Humphries raised concerns that moving the opening day earlier could put it in the peak of the whitetail breeding period. "We really need to look at that" she said.
3) Commissioner Charters countered: "If breeding is an issue, we already allow hunting then, with 400,000 archers. What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
4) Commissioner Wheatlake asked if MI has any scientific data on on whitetail breeding in MI. Humphries assured him that there was 60 years of data from the Cusino and Houghton Lake wildlife research stations. In response, Wheatlake said that "the captive cervid people I've talked to said that breeding has changed. It's earlier now."
5) Wildlife manager Reeves said the DNR would have a draft wildlife conservation order (WCO) ready to present to the commission for information only at the October NRC meeting, and that the commission could take action and vote on a proposal, if necessary, at the November NRC meeting.
6) If the commission decides to change opening day of firearms deer season, it would take effect in 2010. "A lot of people need to apply for vacation time in January, so if we change it for next year, we want them to know by January,", Reeves said.
When will the hunters in Michigan put a stop to this "APPOINTED" commission that answers to no one, has no constituents to answer to, and no fear of reprocussions for their irresponsible actions since they can not be voted in or out? :confused:
We (all hunters) need to contact each of the commissioners as well as the DNR and our State Legislators and demand that the NRC listen to the scientific reasoning from the biologists and actually implement their reccomendations!
A grass roots campaign to overturn proposal G and do away with the NRC and put into place a commission that has a set of checks and balances would be the best thing that the sportsmen of Michigan could do to insure a bright outdoor future for our children.