Konrad said:
"In defense of true Conservatives, there has never been any debate of whether one should belong to this or that or even any religious group."
Oh, really? Then who are those guys out there protesting because some Muslims want to build a mosque near where the World Trade Center was? And, I might add, there is a strip club just as close to the WTC site as the mosque will be. Seems to me there's a First Amendment that says they can. But to certain people, that only applies to people of their own religion.
Konrad said:
"Oh, sorry, I brought up that God thing didn’t I?"
So, once again you assume something. You assume I must be an atheist. Well, no. I'm actually polytheistic. I believe in God plural---Gods. My point, Konrad, is you tend to go on preconceived notions---stereotypes---regardless of the way you lectured me about your debate skills some time back. To you, all liberals are college professors that never, as you said here, "...had to earn a living by the sweat of their brow." Once again, a stereotype. I could go on to make some stereotypes about the protest signs I see at Tea Parties being consistantly spelled woefully wrong. Would you like that? I bet not.
And, no, the rest of the Bill of Rights exists not because of the Second Amendment, but because the Founders wrote it that way, we won the Revolutionary War (with a lot of aid from France, by the way), we had a Civil War, and a Supreme Court rules on the issues. There has not been an instance of an armed civilian populace beating back an invasion by some dictatorial horde bent on wiping mom, apple pie, and Chevrolets off the face of America. The government does not fear your personal firearms. Did you see them fear the better-armed (than American civilians) Afghan civilians enough to not invade Afghanistan? And Afghan civilians give out RPG-7s as party favors in Afghanistan. World War Two was won by mechanized armies being supplied by heavy industry, not grandad and his brothers armed with fowling pieces.
Just one final note. Your sig line, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact"? Guess who said that? A liberal in favor of gun control, referring to the Second Amendment and why it should be altered to disallow certain firearms.