Ignorance. It all, always, comes down to ignorance.
I see a lot of reactionary-ism, along with a lot of wisdom, in this thread. I love cities. Urbanization has brought great things. Nothin' wrong with video games or TV if used properly.
Instead of looking for reasons to ignore, or condemn, or look down on people (he's a cityboy, he's a lefty, he's an X, so he's against hunting), we need to calmly make our case. Hunting is ethical, sustainable, positive. Hunters contribute, to their societies, to their communities, to their families, to their world. Hunting engenders, nay, it demands, accountability, awareness of where food comes from, awareness of the basic necessities of human existence. Hunting is better for the animals, who live quality lives, unlike those trapped in the meatplants. Hunting is better for the kids, who learn about cause-and-effect, who learn that every act has a moral and ethical dimension, and willful ignorance does not excuse you from that fact. And it is better for Hunters, who, having tasted the excitement of a stalk, feel a pang (or more) of regret for the kill.
Hunting is good, when it is good, when it is not turned into a reason to destroy, to debase, and to cheapen.
We need to combat ignorance, in ourselves, and in others, gently, calmly, firmly. We need to convince those we can, and plant seeds that might germinate later in minds too closed to recognize reason. And we need to look for allies where we can. Because I'm telling you, gentlemen, ladies, there's never a good reason to turn a heart against you and yours.