It is up to you, the entire hunting brethren to get the youth involved. Blame it on nobody but the person looking back at you in the mirror. Take a kid hunting, and let him or her shoot that deer, or turkey, or rabbit that you were going to shoot.
As far as numbers go, bowhunting in NYS has risen, and participants continue to flock to the early season opportunities. The numbers 5 years ago were at 179,000 bowhunting licenses sold, last year 204,000 were sold. That's around 20% in 5 years.
The crossbow is a very effective tool for killing deer, but it is a far cry from archery equipment, even the most modern, tech-advanced compound is still harder to master than a crossbow.
The big-tent theory of a house divided will fall has no merit here. The crossbow does not belong in archery season, but in the regular big game season where the state legislature voted to do this past session. A hand grenade is very effective, and easy to master at killing fish, should it be legal? What about the spear, atlatl, spike pits, etc...? All are effective and primative, where should they be placed?
It's all about the money. And, you still had two "hunters" in Ramapo who shot a deer with a crossbow, at night, in front of a house. The bolt was stuck in the woman's house, under her front bay window.