We feel truly sorry for you guys in NY. Here in Washington(state), lots of places have a "no firearm discharge" ordinance, but if you bother to read the law, it doesn't apply to shotguns, bows, and all rimfire stuff. Twits from Seattle come here all the time since it's a "destination" town. They see how beautiful it is, surrounded with snow-covered peaks, forest everywhere, buy some property, then learn what real life is here. Usually, it upsets them, but state law preempts, so they can't do squat about it. We stump shoot all the time in the national forest behind my house-my fence is the boundary line-and several weeks ago, some women were running their dogs all over the place, letting them chase the deer and such. We encountered them on a trail right after one of their dogs had chased three does past us at full-throttle. They saw us with our bows & stuff and promptly told us we couldn't shoot here, that this was a "park". I told them this is National Forest, pointed out the yellow boundary marker, and let the ladies know that if we caught their dogs chasing deer again, we'd shoot the dog-which is perfectly legal here. I thought they were gonna cry!! I'm sure they called law enforcement, were told 1)it's perfectly legal to shoot-including firearms-there, and 2)that yes, their dogs could really be shot and there wasn't a lot they could do about it. End of problem.