It is the "big tent" theory descibed above that upsets me most. Regardless of the state of choice for crossbow inclusion, it is always pushed towards the archery season, never the firearms season and never for their own season. By not wanting crossbows in archery season, I am not an anti-hunter, an elitist, selfish, or against new hunters being introduced into the woods. What I am totally against is the inclusion of a superior implement that has a close to zero learning/mastering curve, that is more likened to a firearm than to a bow, and one that has no history in establishing a season of their own, rather ride the coattails of hard fought archery seasons. If you want new or more hunters in the woods, take them hunting with you, take them to the range, take them to a hunters ed. safety class, let them shoot the deer and not you, expose them to the early small game seasons, where game is usually more plentiful so as not to discouarge them, and give back by teaching or mentoring.