Email or call your Senators now before they VOTE !!!
New Mexico Senate Bill SB196 has recently passed the Senate Conservation Committee and is heading to the Senate Fiscal Committee. Regular non-resident applicants will be limited to 2% of the total number of tags where guided hunters (residents and non-residents) may get 8% of the tags for any given hunt!
New Mexico currently allocates permits in the antelope, Mule deer, and elk drawing as follows: 78% to residents, 12% to non-residents contracted with an outfitter, and 10% to regular non-resident applicants. This bill in the New Mexico legislature would eliminate the current allocation to non-residents giving 90% to residents and 8% to non-residents and residents who contract with an outfitter and only 2% to regular non-resident applicants.
In addition to the split the bill considers implementing the requirement to purchase a non-refundable hunting license to apply which is estimated at $90 for non-residents as well as other non-refundable application fees.
It is our understanding that the changes listed below have strong support and have a great chance to pass:
- Permit allocation: 90% to resident, 8% to non-residents and residents with an outfitter, and 2% to regular non-resident applicants.
- Add a required $90 non-fundable hunting license to apply (plus regular application fees per species)
- Still no point system
- Allocation may apply to other species as well (sheep, oryx, and ibex)
Bill details:
http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/_session.aspx?chamber=S&legtype=B&legno=%20196&year=11 Bill amendments/committee report:
http://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/11%20Regular/bills/senate/SB0196CO1.pdf We have made it very easy to submit your comments to every Senator in New Mexico. Simply enter your information and comments below and each member will be emailed.
If this passes it will greatly affect all non-residents opportunity to hunt New Mexico. No matter what your opinion is of these potential changes to New Mexico permit allocation and the application process, we encourage you to voice your thoughts. New Mexico needs to hear from non-residents!