Michigan bowhunters-this bill could eliminate some of the best bowhunting dates of the year and have negative impacts on herd structure as far as desired management harvest goals.
But if done right, it could expand archery season dates in November.
There's a bill that could change Michigan's Firearms opener date. The proposed bill currently says that the firearms opener would be changed to the Saturday closest to November 15.
While I applaud the move of firearms opener to a Saturday, the firearms opener CANNOT be EARLIER than November 15, for a host of reasons, including loss of archery dates, higher yearling buck kills, further worsening of antlerled buck to doe ratio, more females having to breed later causing more low birth weight fawns, etc.
If there is a change, firearms opener must be the Saturday AFTER November 15 or the third Saturday in November.
Not only would archers lose prime November dates, but Michigan's firearms opener is already too early, as far as modern management/harvest goals are concerned.
The good solution is for firearms season to open the Saturday AFTER Nov. 15, which would always be the 3rd Saturday in November.
That way, archers not only preserve those November dates and the state gets their Saturday opener to help retain hunters, archers would pick up a few more dates in November.
We need to contact Rep. Cotter and let him know that if this change goes thru, that it should be the 3rd Saturday in November, not the second Saturday in November.
Rep. Cotter...
http://www.gophouse.com/welcome.asp?District=99 Here's 2 links...
Bill proposes annual shift in opener of Michigan's firearm deer season
http://www.mlive.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2011/02/bill_proposes_annual_shift_in.html The Grand Rapids Press editorial from today...
Editorial: Reasons to change the start of deer season in Michigan
http://www.mlive.com/opinion/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2011/03/editorial_reasons_to_change_th.html#comments Once the newspapers start writing editorials about this, that means the bill has legs. As mentioned, I'm all for a Saturday opener. But only as long as it doesn't cost November archery season dates.