I came across a small community newspaper web site that had one whole issue dedicated to the wolves and the controversy surrounding them.
It is from an eastern Oregon community paper.
Two of the articles mentioned a disease or parasite that these particular gray wolves carry that can lay dormant in both extremely hot and cold climates up to 3 years or more and can be lethal to livestock; pets and humans.
As I am not a Doctor or Biologist so if there are any Doctors or Biologist out there that read this forum and can verify or debunk these claims and provide facts; documentation and where I can locate and verify these facts and documentation I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is the title of one of the articles and a brief quote of part of the article:
Title: Idaho’s Fish & Game responsible for creating public safety nightmare
With the Canadian Gray Wolf came disease—not a simple disease but a difficult to diagnose disease that may not show up for 10-20 years, cutting life short, and if caught in time requiring serious and expensive surgery—that is if one doesn't die or become debilitated in the meantime.
Researcher Dovel points out, “...primarily wolves, contaminating the landscape with billions of E. Granulosus eggs in their feces. These invisible eggs are ingested by grazing animals, both wild and domestic, and occasionally by humans who release clouds of the eggs into the air by kicking the scat or picking it up to see what the wolf had been eating. As with many other parasites, the eggs are
very hardy and reportedly exist in extremes of weather for long periods, virtually blanketing patches of habitat where some are swallowed or inhaled.”
Also I do not know if this is proper but in order to let any reader verify that what I said was really published in a community newspaper here is the link to the newspaper:
www.thecitizen8.org Please note I am not interested in any ranting and ravings by hunters or animal rights people who by the very nature of their rantings & ravings tells me they are stupid and not interested in any facts.
I am interested in knowing if this is a real threat to all of us, both hunter, animal rights people plus all the other innocent people out there that will travel, even if only for a brief moment, in territory that has been infested by these diseased wolves.
Further if this is true it will affect the lives of my grandchildren who do hike, fish and travel in areas that may be infested with these parasites or bacteria and in that case I want to do something about it.
Thanks and looking forward to any replies.